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Could my bankruptcy trigger a tax audit?

Few things in life cause as much anxiety as notification that you are being audited by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). There are certainly red flags that can trigger an audit, however, and some of those include: Getting paid in…

Explaining the revocation of a debt discharge

Going through a bankruptcy filing is stressful. When you realize that you need to file for Chapter 13 bankruptcy in Long Island, you should do so with the help of an experienced bankruptcy law attorney. You will want help when…

Why would my bankruptcy filing be rejected?

If you’ve run into a host of financial problems and cannot find a way out, it’s likely you are headed for a bankruptcy filing. Not every bankruptcy plan will be approved though. There are quite a few reasons why bankruptcy…

How to climb out of debt as a small business

Owning a small business is exciting, but it can also be very stressful, especially if the company is struggling with debt. Small business debt can be debilitating. It can be so overwhelming that the business has to close its doors…

How can seniors manage debt?

Debt is not something that simply goes away with age. Wouldn’t it be nice though if it did? Because debt is an issue that many people will struggle with throughout their lives, we will take a look at how seniors…

What are the benefits of Chapter 13?

Sitting under a mountain of debt is overwhelming, no matter your job status or income. Repaying debt can be a very difficult situation, which is why many people look into bankruptcy as an option. For some, it is their only…

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