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A farmer and his family file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy

Many Americans, including some from Nassau County look at agriculture as a profitable venture. However, just like any other business, farming has its ups and downs. When pests and natural calamities strike, farmers are more likely to encounter financial challenges.…

Consumer borrowing impacts bankruptcy filings in New York

Since the Great Recession began, most Americans, including those from Long Island, New York, have tightened their belts. The increasing cost of household expenses and unemployment has subjected most people to financial challenges and many are eventually forced to declare…


In 2005, Congress made substantial changes to the bankruptcy code. The resulting law made filing for bankruptcy much more difficult for consumers including that a consumer debtor is required to meet the means test in order to qualify for filing…

Son of founder buys company out of Chapter 7

Long Island businesses and individuals who are saddled with overwhelming debt may get their finances back under control through declaring bankruptcy. There are several types of bankruptcy under U.S. law, and one of the most effective is Chapter 7, or liquidation…

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