How to curb debt caused by medical expenses
Quality health care often comes with an expensive price tag, its high cost affecting everyone. In most cases, a person may get sick perhaps once or twice a year. However, because illnesses can be unpredictable and require prolonged hospital stays, people have no choice but to watch their medical expenses pile up, and they find themselves struggling with debt. This is true across the United States, including in New York.
Fortunately, there are ways to deal with such problems. For one thing, those requiring expensive medical care can find a less expensive medical facility. They need only to search online to learn about hospital costs in their region and then contact a preferred hospital for an estimate for their care. Next is considering Medicare discounts, that is, determining how much the government pays for their treatment through Medicare.
They may also try to decrease their expenses by asking for a lower rate. To do this, they must contact the medical billing office at their hospital and propose a lower rate. Though the process takes a lot of calls, it is worth the effort and time if only one hospital agrees. They may also ask for the help of medical bill advocates, who interpret bills, look for overcharges and errors, and, of course, negotiate for lower rates.
These tips have been proven helpful to those dealing with medical expenses struggles. Of course, because medical debts can vary from one situation to another, tips cannot solve all the financial challenges caused by medical bills.
When all else fails, residents of Nassau, New York may wish to consider filing for personal bankruptcy, which offers a way out of debt and a fresh financial start. To learn more about personal bankruptcy, speak with a legal professional who specializes in bankruptcy.
Source:, “How to Negotiate Hospital Bills and Avoid Medical Bankruptcy,” Christina Lamontagne, Aug. 20, 2013