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Don’t needlessly lower your credit score

When people get into financial difficulties, their credit scores can start to plummet. Unfortunately, many Americans know little about the factors that affect their scores. Some are fairly obvious, like not paying bills on time and letting credit card and…

Taking your audit to tax court

Like many in New York and across the country, after you submit your tax returns, you may expect not to be dealing with the IRS until next year. Therefore, if you receive notice that the IRS is auditing your returns,…

Experts say customer credit quality is declining

The first quarter of this year brought some troubling news regarding consumer credit. The credit card industry saw an increase in the charge-off rate. That reflects the percentage of debt that companies don’t expect to collect. While that rate (3.82%)…

Finding legitimate debt relief assistance

Far too many New York residents have found themselves struggling financially in the last few years. If you are one of them, you have likely been looking for debt relief options that will improve your situation without having to file…

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